Elevating ServiceNow Expertise: My Journey to C2 Proficiency in English

Elevating ServiceNow Expertise: My Journey to C2 Proficiency in English

Elevating ServiceNow Expertise: My Journey to C2 Proficiency in English 1872 1710 KANEOYA

In the dynamic world of technology, where advancements and innovations are constant, the ability to communicate effectively in English has become an indispensable skill. This is especially true for Brazilian professionals like myself working with ServiceNow, a platform where the primary resources, community interactions, and official documentation are predominantly in English. Today, I am proud to announce a significant milestone in my professional journey: achieving a C2 Proficient certification in English through the EF SET.

The Catalyst for Mastering English

Navigating a Global Platform

ServiceNow, as a global cloud computing platform, offers immense opportunities for learning, growth, and collaboration. However, with most of its documentation, user forums, and support materials in English, non-native speakers can face significant barriers. Realizing this early in my career, I embraced the challenge of mastering English to ensure that I could fully leverage the capabilities of ServiceNow.

A Stepping Stone to Global Opportunities

English is more than just a language; it’s a bridge to the world. Achieving fluency has not only enabled me to access a vast array of resources but has also opened doors to international collaborations and projects. In a field as collaborative and ever-changing as IT service management, these connections are invaluable.

My Path to C2 Proficiency

Overcoming Language Barriers

The journey to achieving C2 proficiency was both challenging and rewarding. It involved dedicated self-study, practical application in my daily work with ServiceNow, and constant engagement with the global ServiceNow community. This journey was about more than just learning a language; it was about immersing myself in a culture of global communication and technological innovation.

The EF SET Certification

The EF SET (Education First Standard English Test) is a widely recognized standard for assessing English language proficiency. Achieving a C2 level, the highest on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), signifies a mastery of English comparable to that of a native speaker. This certification is a testament to my commitment to professional development and my ability to operate effectively in the global IT landscape.

Implications for Brazilian ServiceNow Professionals

Bridging the Gap

For my fellow Brazilian professionals in the ServiceNow ecosystem, my experience underscores the importance of English proficiency. It’s not just about overcoming language barriers; it’s about fully engaging with the platform and the global community that surrounds it.

A Call to Action

I encourage my peers to view English proficiency as a critical component of their professional toolkit. Whether it’s through formal education, online courses, or immersive language learning experiences, the investment in learning English is invaluable. It equips you with the tools to not only navigate ServiceNow more effectively but also to broaden your professional horizons.


Achieving C2 proficiency in English is more than just a personal accomplishment; it represents a significant professional advantage in the world of ServiceNow. As we operate in a global tech environment, the ability to communicate and collaborate in English is not just beneficial—it’s essential. This certification is a milestone in my journey, and I am excited to see where this enhanced ability to engage with the world will take my career in ServiceNow.